We rode on a 7 hour, crammed, van ride down to Lanquin. When we arrived to our Hostel all they had available were hammocks. Hammocksville was quite the adventure. I can now say that I have mastered the repositioning of myself as I slept in a hammock for 3 nights. We were lulled to sleep every night with rain. (It is now Hurricane season so every afternoon we have a little halftime shower.) We also had the best family style dinner, a fun river with rapids, and some great soccer. The easy highlight of this trip was Semuc Champay, where I did a back flip!
Welcome to Hammocksville. Here was my bed for 3 nights.
Our new English friends taught us the best new card came that we played all night.
Laura & I ordering dinner at the bar. All the Bars in Central America have swings which is a total blast.
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