We rode about an hour in what I would call a hayride bouncing back in forth like we were on a moon walk or something. The road conditions throughout Guatemala are pretty treacherous to say the least... We eventually made it to Semuc Champey. This was one of the most serene prettiest places I have ever been to. We got to go caving by candlelight, tubing, cliff jumping, swimming, hiking, and sliding down waterfalls.

The first thing we got to do was this cool chair-swing into the river. I have always wanted to be able to do a backflip off a rope swing and this was the perfect opportunity. JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!
Here was the entrance to the cave. We saw some bats and cool spiders.

This is Neryan and Mandy this cute couple from Florida inside one of the caves (which we went in by candlelight.)

We jumped off this bridge into the river. It was about 30 ft. or so!

This is us after we hiked up El Mirador. It was a "muy dificil" hike. But totally worth it in the end.

Here is Mandy in all her glory. This shows how deep the pools actually are. And they went on & on & on in all different tiered levels.

Neryan aka monkey boy. Now can you see why I did that backflip?

One of the last things we did was climb down this waterfall and we got to see the coolest caves inside. We were totally destroyed after this trek. After our "hayride" home we ate dinner and were asleep in our hammocks by 8:30 or 9:00.
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