While Sarah & I were stopped over in Port Elizabeth we went to an elephant park & a separate game reserve. Originally we were a little disappointed about the weather because it was a bit chilly & rainy. Later, we discovered it was advantageous for us because the animals were way more sedated & we got more appearances by animals that generally stay hidden the whole day. The reason why they were so sedated is because they would find good shelter from the colder wetter weather & generally stay in one place.
The reserves are fenced in & lightly monitored. The employees do not interact or feed the animals ever. So the animals are definitely still wild, but they are accustomed to the car flow & what not.
The other very valuable lesson that I learned is I have absolutely no interest in going on a safari. We rode around alllllll day long in their open air buckeyes. I am so thankful for the experience that Sarah & I had. Even though it was a bit expensive, I did learn a valuable lesson. It is booooooooooring riding around in those buckeyes. And I have absolutely no desire doing an even longer safari where all you do is ride around looking at animals just laying around chillen. We were so lucky to see all the animals we did, but I consider myself far more lucky to not have settled in for a long intense safari filled with a lot of riding around.
The reserves are fenced in & lightly monitored. The employees do not interact or feed the animals ever. So the animals are definitely still wild, but they are accustomed to the car flow & what not.
The other very valuable lesson that I learned is I have absolutely no interest in going on a safari. We rode around alllllll day long in their open air buckeyes. I am so thankful for the experience that Sarah & I had. Even though it was a bit expensive, I did learn a valuable lesson. It is booooooooooring riding around in those buckeyes. And I have absolutely no desire doing an even longer safari where all you do is ride around looking at animals just laying around chillen. We were so lucky to see all the animals we did, but I consider myself far more lucky to not have settled in for a long intense safari filled with a lot of riding around.
was easily was one of the biggest highlights of our safari. The mamas run with such a distinctive hopping strut with their tale up so the kiddos can follow. It is beyond captivating.
The male ostrich have the darker feathers.
A dung beetle doing what it does best.
Beef- Its what for dinner.
There were very few areas where we could get out of the truck, but this was obviously one of them. It was a neat wooded area with two stories for viewing the elephants.
We got to see an elephant that was so newly born they did not even know it existed. We only got a few glimpses of it because the herd was so protective of it. We could even see its umbilical cord dragging!
Another baby nursing
I like this picture because it shows the path that the trucks drive on so clearly.
Hippos are the most dangerous animals in Africa merely because they are so protective of their offspring. They actually are vegetarians. I love this picture because it captured the hippos jaw springing open.
Over all the game reserve experience was wonderful. I just do not know if I will ever seek one out again. But, seeing the giraffes gallop at full speed was easily one of the most surreal moments of my life.
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