I stayed up all night by the fire the night before I left Coffee Bay the first time. I was trying to finish this drum that I had rushed into. It is beyond a long story, do not fret it will come in time.
Naturally, I had a great sleep on the greyhound cruising up to Durban. This
bright light woke me up at sunset. I am pretty sure it was a message from our
guardian angel because the next 24 hours were some of the wildest in my life....

When I went back to capture the sunset, & ended up meeting Elsa (the colored lady) & this other boy. Both were South African, and they were some of the first people that really educated me on South Africa's history.
I had just settled in with my atlas and a great history lesson. Then, we stopped for a routine dinner break. This dinner break was anything but routine...
As we are about to order our bus attendant comes to us freaking out. He did not write us proper tickets because he wanted to pocket our money & now the cops were wanting to get on board and check our tickets. If he got busted, he would be fired. So the bus needed to leave us & it would come back to pick us up. (At this point I had been on so many dodgy bus rides this honestly did not worry me too much. It was a viable company & I did have my luggage ticket. Plus He promised he would come back for us. Sarah was in great spirits about the whole adventure too! One of the other girls with us, not so much....)
About an hour later the cops have come for us and want to give us a ride to the bus. HA, no thank you. Not in the United States. The cops do not offer free rides in the back of their cars. Not only were they nice cops, but we even

had a major dance party in the back of the cop car to "Whats love gotta do with it?" by Tina Turner. Seriously one of the highlights of my life.

And from there the saga only continues. I am still not positive what really went down. Because when we do get back to the bus the attendant tells everyone else that we just missed the bus. So you can imagine how frustrated everyone on the bus is at us. He approaches us later & tells us it is our little secret blah blah blah...
Then when we arrive to the bus station our new best friend Elsa who says this kinda stuff happens has a friend that can give us a lift to the hostel (where we do not have a reservation.) The bus was supposed to be there much earlier. Not having a reservation has never really been an issue for me. Sarah knew this was going to be a problem, but did I listen? Thankfully Elsa cuses out the non existant help at the fully booked hostel, that was not fully booked.
So its midnight, we have already been left by our shady bus, we couldnt get a cab, and we have no place to stay. I love an adventure! Of course Elsa (who has 5 children to go home to) graciously opens her doors to us. I have never been so excited to see a bed considering I have not properly slept in 48ish hours.
We woke up in the morning, had coffee, walked around the neighborhood, and met her whole family. Then we found a hostel and raced all around Durban because Sarah & I only had 24ish hours left.
Here is Elsa & her youngest daughter.

After this adventure I sent Sarah packing....

But hopefully she is fishing for another excuse to come meet me back in Coffee Bay, or wherever I may be....
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