Saturday, November 29, 2008

Where the Posh Die.

I heard many people rave about the the cemetary in BA. So I got our group to go there. It was a fun adventure & definitely the nicest cemetery I have ever been to. We had a great adventure, saw some really cool parks, lunch, & some of the best ice cream I have ever tasted!

The cemetery was free, but it was so big that it required a detailed map, which of course you had to pay for.

This is the tomb where Evita's whole family is buried.

Evita was born in the early 1900's & she died in the 50s from cancer. First She was an actress & then later became even more famous when she was married to the congressmen/ dictator of Argentina. She became most notorious for lobbying for women's rights. 

"The peace of God everywhere." 

"You that are crying, don't be sad or hurt, look at the life that starts not the life that ends."

I left getting home to Jason since everyone ridiculed my more "scenic" route to the cemetery, which they ended up enjoying more in the long run...

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hey! One place I've been! YAY! Gary and I loved BA and hope to go back! Happy New Year!