Dr. So-inso: "That's not what I think of, when I think of equity."
Me: "Ya, you think of it only as a racial issue."
Dr. So-inso: "No, when I think of equity, I think of it ONLY with our students."
Me: hugh..... How ironic is that? (only in my head because I am so baffled at that narrow minded view...)
*Equity is a noun & defined as: The quality of being fair and impartial.
- Why on earth would equity only exist for one subset of "people." Students, whites, men, or whatever your circumstance, it is defined as being FAIR & IMPARTIAL.
* I am so flabbergasted at our administration's ability to only think of our students. I know that the only reason why we are here is as teachers to serve our students, but we must create a sustainable environment to nurture them. That is not what the American, public school system has accomplished.
This year, (20-21) I had 2 uncomfortable meetings with my administration. (One on my elementary school campus & another in the upper administration on a district level.) My main preguntas were why we aren't supporting teachers versus chastising them for unfair expectations in a global pandemic with 'UNPRECEDENTED" circumstances.
Yes, we are here to help support, nurture, grow & develop our students but we as a community are here to do that, to raise our students & and if there isn't equity with planning time, how can we as a staff serve our students well?
Truth: LIFE ISN'T FAIR. LA VIDA NO ES JUSTO. Equity cannot exist in our fallen, sinful, unfair world but we as humans long for fairness & inclusion!
As soon as you can accept that life isn't fair, your life may be easier to accept. BUT that doesn't mean we stop and blindly accept the injustices of the world. We still must talk about them, shed light on them and fight for the positive most equitable choice always for our students & our society. We are finally trying to do that with race, religion, gender, sexual orientation & on & on & on that list goes...
For the last 4ish years I have been meditating on the fact that YAHWEH shows no favoritism. I remember being a kid and never understanding how a sin was a sin was a sin. Surely stealing bread for food to survive isn't as "bad" as murder. Not with YAHWEH'S creation because within perfection equity exists and everything works for the good of the Lord not for a slanted unfair American system.
This new year (21-22) I had a really squirrly, emotionally fragile boy at dismissal ask me very casually who my favorite student was. I was really surprised at this pregunta. Now that I am at a Christian school I was able to bring in YAHWEH & how he shows no favoritism. So, I simply said that I love every child equally, differently the best that I know how & I am constantly asking the Lord for more love, guidance & understanding.
I guess the silver lining here is that we at least can finally try to have a conversation about what equity looks like.... It doesn't look like the higher ups taking their raises during a global pandemic when teachers working in "unprecedented" circumstances didn't get theirs. That definitely doesn't feel fair or impartial.
GAL 2:6: As for those who were held in high esteem—whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not show favoritism.
What would life look like if it was truly equal for everyone? Equal pay for services. Equal pay and opportunities for housing. Equal ability to obtain food, nourishment medical provisions. What does equity look like to you? Does it only pertain to the students? Or is it more inclusive to our whole community?
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