Sunday, January 18, 2009

4 Sheesha...

"When in Rome do as the Romans do..."

When I was in a market an Egyptian man called the "huka" their "computer." I of course busted out in laughter. Our whole group enjoyed smoking their flavored sheesha from the huka. On one occasion Sarah & I even got to play dominos, drink their delishes mint tea, & smoke sheesha with some locals which was loads of fun.

Typically the muslims do not drink, so I guess this is considered their only real "vice." Some muslims do drink, but it is a pretty underground operation. You have to go to these "duty free" shops. They will write down your passport information & everything. They say shops are only for the tourists, but you do see a lot of other Egyptians in there buying liquor as well. Be prepared: because it is super expensive, since it is so hard to come by.

Now instead of "for sure," Sarah & I say "for Sheesha," so get ready for the new catch phraze Austin.

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