We woke up at 3:00AM and had a 3 hour bus ride to the ABU SIMBEL temple. Sarah & I were wondering what we were doing there because there wasn't much to see in the beginning other than a great sunrise.
After I walked around the corner of these mounds then we could see massive sand mounds with sculptures on the outside. This seriously was my favorite temple that I saw!!! It was created for one of the kings mainly for his wife queen Nephertite. She was the only queen that had a temple built for her & she was 1 of his 53 wives. (Imagine what the other wives thought???)

This picture gives you an iota of how
big the temple really is...

Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures inside the temple. It was amazing on the inside though. On the inside there were carvings running from the top to the bottom. The lighting was incredible. It was somehow created that on two of the most important days in the kings/ Egyptians lives the whole temple lights up on the inside at sunrise & senset.

One of the guards holding the "Key of life"

After Abu Simbel we went on the Felucca ride, then we went to another temple. At this temple we got to see mummified crocodiles & made friends with the guards so they took us to some pretty cool areas.

Here are the guards that we befriended.
The way the LIGHT hit at this temple was just perfect.