Monday, November 10, 2008

Ouro Preto

Ouro Preto is a small, mountainous, lovely, cobblestone city. I walked around for a day and a half and saw tons of cute shops, plenty of churches, had great ice cream, and got to go into the oldest theater in the Americas. The Theater was beyond impressive. It was fun because I got to see a free kiddie concert which was nice because it was easy to follow. (I have also discovered that dubbed Steven Seagal movies are also extremely easy to follow. How has he never received an Academy Award?) 

One of the coolest churches I have seen. It has such a cool circular set up on the inside. I am sure the acoustics would be amazing!

Here are all the moto mail carriers In Brazil. 

Doing what people do best... Enjoying the atmosphere around them. Mrs. Kravitz Should have lived in a different country.

Here is the not so bustling main city square. 

So far Brazil could not have been smoother, so something was bound to go wrong.....

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, birthday buddy!!!

Hope you have a fantastic birthday!!!