Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Master Weavers

Typically I do not enjoy shopping in the United States. I can generally walk into a store and know within seconds if I like the clothes & if the styles will work with my body etc.

I took one sewing class about 7 years ago in Austin. I had these fantasies of making my own clothes. In the class, I quickly learned I would not be making my own clothing and I would be lucky to be able to come out of the class with the pair of pj pants & 2 pillow cases they guaranteed. Sewing/ clothing construction require a precision, creativity, & problem solving skills that I was not inherently born with. I feel blessed to be able to do the basics: like curtains, hems, & zippers. In many countries, it is a lost or dying art. But it is vibrantly alive in Guatemala.

Our teacher showed us all the different seeds and flowers that were used for dye. Before any of the cotton was dyed it was wrapped in banana leaves to keep them wet & give them certain nutrients to absorb the color more. 


When I walk around San Pedro I often see women in small, dark homes still making their own shawls and tapestries like the one that is being created here.

Over the last couple of years I have really been captivated with the way that God masterfully weaves situations throughout people's lives in ways that always seem better than any of us can create. 

Gen. 50: 20-21 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being down, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." 


Unknown said...

I was pleasantly surprised to find 2 new blog posts tonight! I have especially loved following you along this adventure and I'm learning so much at the same time! So much admiration for those in Guatemala for the time they give making their own clothes. I remember making a dress in my middle school sewing class.I definitely gained a great appreciation for those who made their clothes through that experience - and I think you're right in saying it is becoming a lost art.
Love these colorful photos.

Jodie said...

This is so interesting. We enjoyed learning about the traditions of the Guatemalan women. Love the bright colors that they use too.
Love, mom and dad

Unknown said...

What a great learning experience! I love the pictures.

mrsmiller said...

What a neat thing to get to see and experience. So glad you took these pics. Missing you, friend!

Suzkoefoed said...

So thankful God chose to weave our lives together!

Suzkoefoed said...

So thankful God chose to weave our lives together!