Thursday, October 2, 2008


Who is ready for six degrees of separation? Ok ready? Really, are you ready? 

My moms' friends', sons', girlfriend has started a great program in Managua, Nicaragua.  Yeah that is right- my moms' friends', sons', girlfriend created Nicahope. (Eat your heart out Kevin Bacon.) It is a great program for all the underprivileged children that live in the dump of Managua. The program teaches the kids marketable life skills in hopes to get a job and improve their quality of life. The main programs are hammock making, jewelry making, computer skills, and a couple of english classes. The program also manages to feed the local public school children as well. For a week I helped out in the kitchen, in a kindergarten classroom, and checked out the other trade skills classes. Check out there website:

Before we had even met, Deanna welcomed me with open arms. She took me to this great pizza joint that overlooked the whole city with many of her friends. (Pizza is an expensive delicious treat down here!) 

During the time I spent here I had three major epiphanies. 1. We take so much for granted. 2. My spanish skills need serious improvement. 3. Again, we take so much for granted!

Nicahope pics:

Deanna & me.

Here is Tranquilino my personal walking "chauffeur." Since the area was unsteady I always had someone to walk or drive me to and from the school, bus stops, and Nicahope which were all just a couple blocks away. 

 The public school pics:

The children all call every teacher "Profy" for you guessed it professor. 

All the schools that I have visited in Central America go in the mornings from 7-12. Then the older children go in the afternoons. The children have their "summer break" during the rainy season. The kids will be out of school from November-January. 

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