Sunday, March 1, 2009


I originally arrived to Coffee Bay with Sarah a month ago. One of the first things we did is hike up this cliff overlooking the beach to watch the sunset. The next thing I know we were doing cartwheels. It was at that moment that I was hooked. We spent 4 days there, & then we left to go to Durban to send Sarah back home to the states :( I knew I had to get back & I was hoping to volunteer at one of the local schools.)

Now I have been back in Coffee Bay for 3 weeks and I have about 2 months to go. I have been so blessed in so many ways. I feel like everything in my life is coming together in front of my eyes and I am really hoping that I may move here... (But first I will come back home- don't worry mom!)

I am living at a B&B. I am helping out with the preschool at an amazing Christian orphanage called Khaya Lhetu. The people who have started the program have totally taken me in. They are guardian angels of sorts... And now, the whole village is beginning to welcome me & it is more than exciting. The native language is called XHOSA. (pronounced with a click at the beginning of the word.) The language is exciting & I am picking it up more & more with the children.

I am working on getting some pictures up, but until then you can check out my friend, Jeff's, website that will give you a better feel for the WILDCOAST or TRANSKEI.

This place is magical to say the least. I have never been a part of a community where the animals (dogs, cows, cats, horses, goats, sheep, chickens, roosters, snakes, frogs, you name it) and people all live together so peacefully. In my spare time, I am also learning to surf, make a drum, and doing a ton of hiking.

I have so much more I want to say, but sometimes less is more. Life just makes sense here. I hope all is well back home. Check it out: